After just two hours of deliberations, an eight-person jury unanimously found for Crystal Head Vodka in its trade dress infringement suit against KAH Tequila, finding that KAH intentionally infringed on Crystal Head’s trade dress. Crystal Head’s legal team was headed by David Berg of Berg & Androphy along with his partners, Michael Fay and Jenny Kim, their colleagues Zenobia Bivens and Victoria Mery, and Hernan Vera of Bird & Marella as local counsel. We are thankful for our attorneys who brought Crystal Head long-awaited justice and an indisputable right to its skull-shaped bottle. In Dan Aykroyd’s own words: “We are thrilled and relieved to be victorious in this case. We thank the jurors, judge Marshall and our brilliant legal team for all of their time and effort on this case. We can now move forward to the next chapter of our business.” For a fulsome story on how our legal team won this just verdict, please see: http://abovethelaw.com/2017/03/boutique-bests-biglaw-in-booze-bottle-battle/?rf=1